Fight, Finish, Keep

One of my greatest inheritances from Reformed Presbyterian heritage is the scriptures.

I have fought the good fight: There are many fights to fight. Pick your fight and ignore the trivial ones–many are not worth fighting. Fight the good one. It will not be pleasant, but it is the right thing to do. There are jillions of distractions. Fight it.

I have finished the race: My race, the one marked out for me. If I have not discovered this before I enter the third third, I am lost indeed. Not someone else’s race but mine. Get my mind on the finish and take the next steps, right here right now. Finish it.

I have kept the faith: The unseen things that are eternal and true are all that matter. They are all around us and are not pie in the sky but very present reality. Keep it, guard it, nurture it, hold tight to it. The whole world system shouts every day that this faith thing is a joke and that I am a fool. Keep it.